Joe - The Cranberries - Ringtones & Lyrics

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Joe - The Cranberries

Joe - The Cranberries

Joe - The Cranberries Lyric

Joe - The Cranberries Lyric brought to you by

Oh, oh oh oh yeah...

There was a time, I was so lonely, oh hey yeah...
Remember the time, it was on Friday, oh hey yeah...
You made me feel fine, we did it my way, oh hey yeah...
I sat on your knees, every Friday, oh hey yeah...

We walked in fields of golden hay.
I still recall you.
We walked in fields of golden hay.
I see you in the summer.

Joe. Joe.

I sat on your chair, by the fire, oh hey yeah...
Transfixed in a stare, taking me higher, oh hey yeah...
Precious years to remember, oh hey yeah...
Childhood fears, I surrender, oh hey yeah...

We walked in fields of golden hay.
I still recall you.
We walked in fields of golden hay.
I see you in the summer.

Joe. Joe.

Ouh, ouh ouh...

~ End of Joe - The Cranberries Lyric ~

Joe - The Cranberries

Joe - The Cranberries Ringtone

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